
Yama – Qualities for living

Yama deals with one’s disciplined integrity in behaviour towards others. It is about social behaviour, how you treat others and the world around you. These are moral principles.  There are five yamas:

This yama is all about non-violence. Not only does it mean to not harm or injure others, it is also about kindness, friendliness, and thoughtful consideration of other people and things, as well as awareness of our duties and responsibilities.

Being truthful through both actions and words. It is the most pure way to live in the present moment as it allows the mind to remain clear. Inconsistencies through dishonesty cloud the mind.

Non-stealing, which relates to both objects as well as more abstract things such as time, energy, ideas, etc. It is about being respectful towards what belongs to others and being considerate in your material as well as immaterial possessions.

Originally this yama is about celibacy, though in modern times it is about moderation. This means not indulging oneself in anything (so not only sexual encounters) as this causes imbalance.

Non-attachment to not only objects, but also to expectations. It is being happy with what you have and being in the present moment, and not desiring what you don’t have, or holding on to something too hard.